CancerCare Patients and Providers Survey Shows High Levels of Satisfaction

“This survey is a key barometer for our organization. It allows us to receive feedback from those we assist on a daily basis.” said Senior Director Michele McCourt. “We are taking strategic steps to learn where we can improve and where we are really impacting the lives of our patients and those we work with. I’m very pleased with these outstanding results and can’t wait to implement further plans for growth and active support.”
CancerCare plays a unique role in lives of both patients and medical care providers. Offering leading service in both financial and psychosocial fields, the survey results demonstrate the benefits it offers to patients and those affected by cancer. While 88 percent of survey participants reported varying levels of distress, anxiety and emotional pain, 90 percent of respondents said CancerCare helped to relieve their distress. Patients also indicated CancerCare helped to reduce financial burdens, provided them with vital resources, listened to their personal stories and supported them emotionally.

The survey points to an easy enrollment process and a friendly and professional support staff. 96 percent of those surveyed said they were satisfied with services they received, and 87 percent said it was easy to enroll with CancerCare, while 97 percent rated highly their interaction with support staff. Words used to describe CancerCare: “reliable,” “responsive,” “respectful,” “high quality,” “useful” and “unique.” These results confirm CancerCare’s ability to effectively assist patients through the many stages of cancer treatment.
“It is my firm belief that I would have had to file medical bankruptcy if you had not helped us with the co-pay on my husband’s chemo treatment,” wrote one survey respondent. “You were a God send to us during a very difficult time.”
Another respondent replied, “As a patient, I have found the treatment I receive from people there above and beyond. All who we come in contact with are so truly caring and concerned, it is unbelievable.”

CancerCare also displays its essential role in initiating and ensuring a patient’s continued treatment. 94.9 percent of providers participating in the survey indicated CancerCare equipped patients to start as well as continue with treatment. The high marks displayed in the survey also speak to the unique ability CancerCare possesses to address both financial and psychosocial support. 94 percent of healthcare providers said CancerCare allows them to actively address their patient’s needs in and outside the facility. With financial and emotional burdens relieved, both providers and patients can see to effective treatment and a higher quality of life.
One healthcare provider said, “I just appreciate as a financial advocate that these resources exist to help aid our patients in many of their concerns and provide piece of mind during their time of health challenges.”
Another provider added, “In any interaction that I have had with CancerCare, whether it was informational or financial, I have been very satisfied.”