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“To have made even one person’s life a little better, that is to succeed.” –Thoreau

At CancerCare, our mission is simple but to achieve it is not. We must rely upon valued supporters like you who continue to make an enormous difference in the lives of people who have been impacted by cancer.

Planned giving enables you to establish a lasting legacy for the people and the causes you care about. It costs you nothing during your lifetime and provides both financial and tax advantages.

The 1944 Legacy Society was established for those who wish to support CancerCare through estate planning. Named after the year CancerCare was established, The 1944 Legacy Society is a unique way to support CancerCare through wills and trust estate plans. We invite you to be a part of this dedicated group of supporters whose legacy will ensure CancerCare’s future.

The easiest way to remember CancerCare is through a charitable bequest - a gift made to charity through your will or trust.

Ways to support CancerCare in your will and estate plans

  • Bequest
  • Securities
  • Retirement Plans
  • Life Insurance

How to include CancerCare in your will

It can be as simple as including the following language in your will:

“I give _____% of my residuary estate to CancerCare, 275 Seventh Avenue, 22nd Floor, New York, NY 10001. CancerCare’s tax identification number is 13-1825919.”


“I give _____$ of my residuary estate to CancerCare, 275 Seventh Avenue, 22nd Floor, New York, NY 10001. CancerCare’s tax identification number is 13-18-25919.”

If you would like more information or if you have already included CancerCare in your estate plans, we would be pleased to discuss, in confidence, the benefits of joining The 1944 Legacy Society.

Please reach out to Brooke Griffin, Assistant Director of Individual Giving, at or 212-712-8369.

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