Online-Only Publications
These publications are available only online or as printable PDFs.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
All Cancers
Publication | DOWNLOAD PDF |
¿Doctor, podemos hablar?: Consejos para comunicarse con su médico (1.08 MB) | |
¿Por qué unirse a un grupo de apoyo? (1.09 MB) | |
¿Qué es la navegación de recursos? (What Is Resource Navigation?) (95 KB) | |
A Helping Hand: The 2025 Resource Guide for People With Cancer (1.72 MB) | |
Advance Care Planning: Be Prepared (172 KB) | |
Advice for Caregivers: Caring for Yourself When Your Child Has Cancer (408 KB) | |
Advice for Caregivers: Handling Burnout (307 KB) | |
Advice for Caregivers: How Can You Help Yourself? (641 KB) | |
After Treatment Ends: Tools for the Post-Treatment Cancer Survivor (447 KB) | |
Anticipatory Grief: Preparing for a Loved One's End of Life (612 KB) | |
Anxiety and Cancer (160 KB) | |
Biomarkers and the Treatment of Cancer (212 KB) | |
Biosimilars and Their Role in Cancer Treatment (3.28 MB) | |
Building a Community of Support (446 KB) | |
Building Connections as a Veteran: Resources and Support (183 KB) | |
Building Connections as an LGBTQ+ Person: Resources and Support (51.7 KB) | |
Cancer and Gender Diversity (432 KB) | |
Cancer and the Workplace (327 KB) | |
Cancer and the Workplace During COVID-19 (72.4 KB) | |
Cancer and Yoga (841 KB) | |
Cancer<i>Care</i> Patient Access and Engagement Report (9.56 MB) | |
CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation Brochure (3.57 MB) | |
Caregiving and the Coronavirus (217 KB) | |
Caregiving at the End of Life (333 KB) | |
Caregiving During the Holidays (93.2 KB) | |
Caregiving for a Loved One With a Long-Term Illness (435 KB) | |
Caregiving for Your Loved One With Cancer (416 KB) | |
Caregiving: Providing Emotional Support (626 KB) | |
Caring for a Veteran With Cancer (236 KB) | |
Caring for Myself as My Illness Advances (458 KB) | |
Caring for Your Bones When You Have Cancer (383 KB) | |
Caring for Your Pets When You Have Cancer (6.76 MB) | |
Caring for Your Skin During Cancer Treatment (377 KB) | |
Chemo Brain: What You Need to Know (448 KB) | |
Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting (4.47 MB) | |
Clinical Trials: Improving the Care of People Living With Cancer (533 KB) | |
Clinical Trials: What You Need to Know (264 KB) | |
Communicating With Your Caregivers and Loved Ones (494 KB) | |
Communicating With Your Health Care Team (4.01 MB) | |
Cómo ayudan las fundaciones de asistencia de co-pago (260 KB) | |
Cómo ayudarse a medida que se enfrente con la pérdida de un padre (530 KB) | |
Cómo cuidar de un ser querido durante la temporada de fiestas (33.1 KB) | |
Cómo enfrentarse al miedo de la recurrencia (428 KB) | |
Cómo hacerle frente a la pérdida de su pareja o cónyuge (345 KB) | |
Consejería para lidiar mejor con un diagnóstico de cáncer (379 KB) | |
Consejería para Lidiar Mejor con un diagnóstico de cáncer (Counseling to Better Cope With a Cancer Diagnosis) (94.2 KB) | |
Consejos para controlar las náuseas y aumentar el apetito durante el tratamiento del cáncer (583 KB) | |
Consejos para los proveedores de cuidado: ¿Cómo puede ayudarse usted mismo? (810 KB) | |
Coping With Anxiety About the Coronavirus (344 KB) | |
Coping With Appetite and Weight Changes (55 KB) | |
Coping With Cancer and Natural Disasters (227 KB) | |
Coping With Cancer as a Gay or Bisexual Man (280 KB) | |
Coping With Cancer as a Veteran (398 KB) | |
Coping With Cancer as a Young Adult (414 KB) | |
Coping With Cancer as a Young Adult (7.66 MB) | |
Coping With Cancer as an LGBTQ+ Person (343 KB) | |
Coping With Cancer During the Holidays (338 KB) | |
Coping With Cancer for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (234 KB) | |
Coping With Cancer When You’re On Your Own: How to Get the Support You Need (265 KB) | |
Coping With Cancer When You’re Uninsured (296 KB) | |
Coping With Cancer: Tools to Help You Live (2.41 MB) | |
Coping With Chemo Brain: Keeping Your Memory Sharp (750 KB) | |
Coping With Diarrhea (319 KB) | |
Coping With Fertility Concerns: Finding Resources and Support (270 KB) | |
Coping With Lymphedema (789 KB) | |
Coping With Nerve Damage (Neuropathy) (460 KB) | |
Coping With Sadness and Depression After Cancer (241 KB) | |
Coping With Sleep Difficulties During Cancer (244 KB) | |
Coping With the Fear of Cancer Returning (286 KB) | |
Coping With the Loss of a Parent With Cancer as a Young Adult (335 KB) | |
Coping With the Loss of Fertility (734 KB) | |
Coping With the Loss of Your Partner or Spouse (509 KB) | |
Coping With the Stress of Caregiving (563 KB) | |
Coping With Venous Thromboembolism (802 KB) | |
Coronavirus and COVID-19: What You Need to Know (53.9 KB) | |
Coronavirus Concerns for Older Adults (53.3 KB) | |
Coronavirus y COVID-19: lo que necesita saber (54.8 KB) | |
Counseling to Better Cope With a Cancer Diagnosis (578 KB) | |
Counseling to Better Cope With Grief and Loss (522 KB) | |
Counseling to Better Cope With Post-Treatment Survivorship (602 KB) | |
Creating an Ethical Will (348 KB) | |
Dating and New Relationships: During and After Cancer (630 KB) | |
Decision Making at the Point of Care: Voices of Oncology Providers (599 KB) | |
Doctor, Can We Talk?: Tips for Communicating With Your Health Care Team (241 KB) | |
El Valor de Asertividad al hablar con su Doctor (The Value of Assertiveness When Talking to Your Doctor) (93.6 KB) | |
Emotional Concerns After Treatment Has Ended (262 KB) | |
Employers' Prescription for Employee Protection Toolkit: Best Practices for Prescription Drug Benefit Design (1.33 MB) | |
Eye and Vision Concerns During Cancer Treatment (440 KB) | |
Eye and Vision Concerns During Treatment (443 KB) | |
Eye and Vision Concerns: Resources and Support (276 KB) | |
Finding Practical Resources During the Coronavirus (137 KB) | |
Finding Resources in Your Community (219 KB) | |
For Health Care Professionals: Coping With Stress and Anxiety (54.2 KB) | |
Fuentes de Asistencia Financiera (259 KB) | |
Grief and Healing: Coping With the Loss of a Loved One (257 KB) | |
Hair Loss During Treatment: Finding Resources and Support (193 KB) | |
Healing With Words: Journaling and Reflecting Throughout Treatment (261 KB) | |
Health Care Disparities and Cancer (412 KB) | |
Helping a Colleague Cope With Cancer in the Workplace (1.06 MB) | |
Helping Children Prepare for the Loss of a Loved One (340 KB) | |
Helping Children Understand Cancer: Talking to Your Kids About Your Diagnosis (422 KB) | |
Helping Children Who Have Lost a Loved One (567 KB) | |
Helping Teenagers When a Parent Has Cancer (903 KB) | |
Helping Teenagers Who Have Lost a Parent (455 KB) | |
Helping the Siblings of a Child With Cancer (887 KB) | |
Helping Yourself Cope With the Loss of a Parent (304 KB) | |
How Co-Payment Assistance Foundations Help (479 KB) | |
How Counseling Can Benefit Caregivers (812 KB) | |
How Schools Can Support Families Affected by Cancer (102 KB) | |
How to Help Someone Who Is Grieving (542 KB) | |
If You've Just Been Diagnosed (96.9 KB) | |
Intimacy and Cancer (644 KB) | |
Keeping Your Pets Healthy When You Have Cancer (505 KB) | |
Keeping Yourself Healthy as a Pet Owner During Treatment (499 KB) | |
Las deudas médicas y el cáncer (Medical Debt and Cancer) (95.7 KB) | |
Legal Assistance: Finding Resources and Support (313 KB) | |
Living With Grief: How Can You Help Yourself? (360 KB) | |
Lymphedema: Finding Resources and Support (877 KB) | |
Making Sense of Prescription Drug Insurance Policies (102 KB) | |
Managing Cancer Pain (362 KB) | |
Managing Fatigue (369 KB) | |
Managing the Cost of Cancer (409 KB) | |
Managing the Emotional Impacts of Social Distancing (322 KB) | |
Managing the Practical Concerns of Social Distancing (295 KB) | |
Managing the Practical Concerns of Your Loved One's Diagnosis (216 KB) | |
Medical Debt and Cancer (95 KB) | |
Medical Marijuana and Cancer (52.3 KB) | |
Misinformation and Cancer (95.2 KB) | |
Mobile Applications (Apps) and Cancer (299 KB) | |
Mom or Dad Has Cancer...Now What? (253 KB) | |
Music, Drumming, Vibration: Tools to Help Maintain Balance for Cancer Patients and Caregivers (178 KB) | |
Nauseas y vómitos inducidos por la quimioterapia (420 KB) | |
Neutropenia and Infections: What You Need to Know (359 KB) | |
No Le Tenga Miedo A Los Ensayos Clínicos: Podrían Mejorar La Calidad De Su Cuidado Médico (869 KB) | |
Older Adults Coping With Cancer (315 KB) | |
Pain and Symptom Management: Talk to Your Health Care Team (224 KB) | |
Palliative Care: What You Need to Know (308 KB) | |
Patient Survey: Financial Hardship Associated With Cancer (490 KB) | |
Patient Values Initiative: The Many Voices of Value (2.37 MB) | |
Preguntas para su equipo de atención médica sobre el coronavirus y COVID-19 (53 KB) | |
Preventing, Managing & Treating Infection in Adults Living With Cancer (456 KB) | |
Prostheses Resources (319 KB) | |
Provisión de cuidados y coronavirus (52.5 KB) | |
Questions to Ask Your Health Care Team (297 KB) | |
Questions to Ask Your Health Care Team About the Coronavirus and COVID-19 (131 KB) | |
Relaxation Techniques and Mindfulness Practices: Coping With Cancer (152 KB) | |
Shared Decision Making for Caregivers (94.8 KB) | |
Shared Decision Making for Patients (94 KB) | |
Sources of Financial Assistance (265 KB) | |
Staying Physically Active During and After Cancer Treatment (607 KB) | |
Strengthening the Spirit (484 KB) | |
Su Equipo de Atención Medica: Entendiendo su Función (Your Health Care Team: Understanding Their Roles) (87.8 KB) | |
Supporting a Child With Cancer (519 KB) | |
Survivorship Care Plan: Follow-Up Care and Returning to Work (322 KB) | |
Synthetic Wig Care and Resources (327 KB) | |
Talking to Children When a Loved One Has Cancer (2.76 MB) | |
Talking to Your Health Care Team About Treatment Side Effects (56.2 KB) | |
Talking With Children About the Coronavirus (543 KB) | |
Técnicas de relajación y prácticas de la mente y el cuerpo: cómo pueden ayudarle a sobrellevar el cáncer (286 KB) | |
Telemedicine and COVID-19 (55.8 KB) | |
Telemedicine: What You Need to Know (69.6 KB) | |
Términos que debe tener en cuenta: Definiciones de seguros (Terms to Know - Insurance Definitions) (87.7 KB) | |
Términos que debe tener en cuenta: Síntomas, tratamientos y efectos secundarios (Terms to Know - Symptoms, Treatments and Side Effects) (87.7 KB) | |
Terms to Know: Insurance Definitions (52 KB) | |
Terms to Know: Screening and Diagnosis (292 KB) | |
Terms to Know: Symptoms, Treatments and Side Effects (348 KB) | |
The Hidden Cost of Cancer: Helping Clients Cope with Financial Toxicity (905 KB) | |
The Importance of Dental Health (303 KB) | |
The Importance of Hospice Care (552 KB) | |
The Importance of Nutrition and Healthy Eating (379 KB) | |
The Importance of Nutrition During Treatment (55.8 KB) | |
The Importance of Taking Your Pills Every Day on Schedule (386 KB) | |
The Importance of Taking Your Pills on Schedule (4.28 MB) | |
The Need for Consistent Terms for Testing in Precision Medicine (3.2 MB) | |
The Role of a Health Care Proxy (52.1 KB) | |
The Role of Clinical Trials in Your Cancer Treatment (486 KB) | |
The Value of Assertiveness When Talking to Your Doctor (368 KB) | |
The Value of Oncology Social Workers (657 KB) | |
Tips for Managing Hair Loss (444 KB) | |
Tips for Managing Nausea and Increasing Appetite During Cancer Treatment (1.06 MB) | |
Tips for Managing the Cost of Cancer (575 KB) | |
Transportation Resources (510 KB) | |
Understanding Medicare (547 KB) | |
Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy (406 KB) | |
Understanding Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder (PTLD) (91 KB) | |
Understanding the Affordable Care Act (386 KB) | |
Understanding the Role of Biomarkers in Treating Cancer (428 KB) | |
Understanding the Role of Immuno-Oncology in Treating Cancer (360 KB) | |
Understanding The Role of Telemedicine in Treating Cancer (373 KB) | |
Understanding Workplace Issues and Cancer (415 KB) | |
Understanding Your Insurance Coverage (377 KB) | |
What Are Copay Accumulator Adjustor Programs? (124 KB) | |
What Can I Say to a Newly Diagnosed Loved One? (339 KB) | |
What Is a Living Will? (163 KB) | |
What Is a Specialty Pharmacy? (123 KB) | |
What Is Cachexia? (89.8 KB) | |
What is Immunotherapy? (371 KB) | |
What Is Pre-Authorization? (75.5 KB) | |
What Is Resource Navigation? (387 KB) | |
What Is Step Therapy? (59 KB) | |
What People With Cancer Should Know About Biomarker Testing (54.6 KB) | |
When to Get a Second Opinion (417 KB) | |
Why Join a Support Group? (673 KB) | |
Young Adults as Caregivers (798 KB) | |
Your Health Care Team: Understanding Their Roles (317 KB) |
Basal Cell Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Bone Cancer
Brain Cancer
Breast Cancer
Publication | DOWNLOAD PDF |
After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Questions to Ask Your Doctor (63.5 KB) | |
Body Image After Breast Cancer Surgery (94 KB) | |
Breast Cancer: Understanding Risk Factors and Screening (153 KB) | |
Confrontando los efectos secundarios del tratamiento de cáncer del seno (670 KB) | |
Coping With Metastatic Breast Cancer (74.3 KB) | |
Coping With Triple Negative Breast Cancer (74.7 KB) | |
Managing Practical Concerns Raised by Metastatic Breast Cancer (414 KB) | |
Mastectomy and Lumpectomy: Understanding Your Treatment Options (462 KB) | |
Newly Diagnosed African American Women: What You Need to Know (185 KB) | |
Prostheses Resources (319 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Breast Cancer With Highlights From the 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (616 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Breast Cancer With Highlights From the 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (567 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Breast Cancer With Highlights From the 2023 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (616 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Early Stage Breast Cancer (1.65 MB) | |
Treatment Update: Metastatic Breast Cancer (344 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) (2.14 MB) |
Cervical Cancer
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Colorectal Cancer
Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Endometrial Cancer
Esophageal Cancer
Follicular Lymphoma
Head and Neck Cancer
Hodgkin Lymphoma
Liver Cancer
Lung Cancer
Publication | DOWNLOAD PDF |
After a Lung Cancer Diagnosis: Questions to Ask Your Doctor (60.9 KB) | |
Caring for Your Loved One With Lung Cancer (Chinese) (786 KB) | |
Confrontando el cáncer pulmonar (706 KB) | |
Coping With Lung Cancer (1020 KB) | |
Coping With Lung Cancer (Chinese) (932 KB) | |
Cuidando a un ser querido con cáncer pulmonar (665 KB) | |
Improving the Quality of Life for Lung Cancer Patients (763 KB) | |
Lung Cancer Screening for Black and African American Men (281 KB) | |
Lung Cancer: Understanding Risk Factors and Screening (258 KB) | |
The Role of Lung Advocacy Organizations in Biomarker Testing (626 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Lung Cancer (1.25 MB) | |
Treatment Update: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (344 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Small Cell Lung Cancer (465 KB) |
Publication | DOWNLOAD PDF |
Bone Marrow Transplantation as a Treatment Option: What You Need to Know (349 KB) | |
Coping With Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma (418 KB) | |
Coping With Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (74.5 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Blood Cancers (564 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) (397 KB) | |
Understanding the Role of CAR T-Cell Therapy in Treating Cancer (410 KB) |
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Metastatic Breast Cancer
Publication | DOWNLOAD PDF |
After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Questions to Ask Your Doctor (63.5 KB) | |
Coping With Metastatic Breast Cancer (74.3 KB) | |
Coping With Triple Negative Breast Cancer (74.7 KB) | |
Improving Support In Treatment Decision Making For Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer (712 KB) | |
Managing Practical Concerns Raised by Metastatic Breast Cancer (414 KB) | |
Mastectomy and Lumpectomy: Understanding Your Treatment Options (462 KB) | |
Newly Diagnosed African American Women: What You Need to Know (185 KB) | |
Prostheses Resources (319 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Breast Cancer With Highlights From the 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (616 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Breast Cancer With Highlights From the 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (567 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Breast Cancer With Highlights From the 2023 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (616 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Metastatic Breast Cancer (344 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) (2.14 MB) |
Multiple Myeloma
Publication | DOWNLOAD PDF |
After a Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis: Questions to Ask Your Doctor (32.5 KB) | |
Bone Marrow Transplantation as a Treatment Option: What You Need to Know (349 KB) | |
Multiple Myeloma and Diverse Populations (97.5 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Blood Cancers (564 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Multiple Myeloma (398 KB) |
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Neuroendocrine Tumors
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Pancreatic Cancer
Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma
Polycythemia Vera
Prostate Cancer
Publication | DOWNLOAD PDF |
After a Prostate Cancer Diagnosis: Questions to Ask Your Doctor (369 KB) | |
Caregiving for a Loved One With Prostate Cancer (311 KB) | |
Coping With Prostate Cancer (676 KB) | |
Prostate Cancer: What You Should Know About Screening and Diagnosis (515 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Prostate Cancer (441 KB) |
Rare Cancers
Skin Cancer
Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma
Squamous Cell Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Thyroid Cancer
Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Publication | DOWNLOAD PDF |
After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Questions to Ask Your Doctor (63.5 KB) | |
Coping With Metastatic Breast Cancer (74.3 KB) | |
Coping With Triple Negative Breast Cancer (74.7 KB) | |
Newly Diagnosed African American Women: What You Need to Know (185 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Breast Cancer With Highlights From the 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (616 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Breast Cancer With Highlights From the 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (567 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Breast Cancer With Highlights From the 2023 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (616 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Metastatic Breast Cancer (344 KB) | |
Treatment Update: Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) (2.14 MB) |