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As a nonprofit organization, funding depends on the sources of support we receive at any given time and our funds are on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage you to call our Hopeline (800-813-4673) to find out which specific programs are open for you to apply for. If we do not currently have funding to assist you, we will refer you to other financial assistance resources.

Our Financial Assistance Program includes:

Transportation, home care and child care

Transportation (air and car) and lodging

  • Men and women with mesothelioma

Transportation (gas, car service or public transportation)

Disaster Relief Fund

  • People with cancer affected by disasters in the U.S. Please call our Hopeline (800-813-4673) and speak with one of our oncology social workers to apply for the Disaster Relief Fund.  Funds are on a first-come, first-served basis and all clients must complete a financial application and follow program guidelines listed below.

Pet Assistance and Wellness (PAW) Program

  • People with cancer who have a cat or dog (currently available in New York City at this time)


In order to be eligible for financial assistance you must:

  • have a diagnosis of cancer confirmed by an oncology health care provider
  • be in active treatment for your cancer
  • live in the U.S. or Puerto Rico
  • meet our eligibility guidelines based on the Federal Poverty Limit

Steps for Applying

  1. Call 800-813-HOPE (4673) and speak with a CancerCare social worker
    to complete a brief interview. We can be reached from 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (ET) Monday through Thursday, and 10 a.m.–5 p.m. (ET) on Friday.

  2. If you are eligible to apply, we will:

    • mail/email you an individualized bar coded application
    • request documentation to verify your income. Acceptable proof of income:
      • The first two pages of signed income tax return (you may blacken out your social security number)
      • If you do not file a tax return, you may submit a copy of your most recent pay stub, unemployment check, or SSI, SSD, or public assistance benefit notification
      • If you do not have any income, provide a letter of support from friend or family member
  3. You must submit a completed application. Please:

    • print clearly—illegible applications cannot be processed
    • fill in each blank space in the application. Use “no”, “none”, or “0” as appropriate—do not leave any blank responses
    • have an oncology health care provider complete all sections of the Medical Information Section and provide a signature and date. You cannot complete this section.
    • make sure you use the correct CancerCare address - email or fax number listed on the application

Learn more about our assistance programs

Additional Resources

CancerCare’s booklet Managing the Cost of Cancer
This booklet provides helpful tips for talking with your health care team about the costs of cancer care and includes resources to assist you in financial planning before, during and after treatment.

Purpose in Planning Coping Circle Series - Part I: Navigating Finances & Planning Ahead
Learn about how individuals who need to take time off of work, or who can no longer work can replace income. It covers practical tips to deal with out-of-pocket medical expenses, general financial wellness tips, and sources of financial assistance.
View all Purpose in Planning Workshops >>

A Helping Hand Searchable Resource Database
A comprehensive online tool featuring the most up-to-date contact information and descriptions for hundreds of national and regional organizations offering financial and practical help to people with cancer.

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